There has been a lot of crazy media things going on about breastfeeding. First, the disappointing reaction from "The View". Why can't mothers be mothers? I think that sometimes people lash out from personal experience & don't make logical statements. A breastfeeding coalition doesn't mean that the people will force you to do anything, but try to tell you what the best start for your baby is & help you. If you feel bad for not breastfeeding, then I feel it is a guilt thing. If you truly wanted not to breast feed, then it shouldn't have bothered you what anyone said & just stay confident in your choice. However, if you were sick, & the doctor told you what was best for you, wouldn't you want to do it? That's what doctors, nurses & breastfeeding families are trying to do, give the best they can for their babies. There are a lot of medicines & medical advice that changes over the years. That's why people do research to make sure things are still safe & what the affects are.
I also understand that there are some medical reasons why families can't breastfeed & that's the real reason why formula was made. The Western world looked down upon wet-nurses & milk sharing. These new "radical" things aren't new, they are old practices that are coming back for nurturing parenting. So please, don't knock a mom for breastfeeding past when you think is a long enough time. She's not being selfish, she's not doing it just for her. Both parties benefit from it. She also thinks that your crazy for not doing what she did.
Second disappointing thing is all the hoopla about the Time magazine cover. Yes, I thought it a bit extreme, but I also found myself jealous that our 21mo old son is no longer nursing. This cover wouldn't be so shocking if breast feeding wasn't viewed so extreme anyways, not to mention thought of as exotic or even primitive past age 2! This woman shouldn't be made to feel bad about doing something she is passionate about! She is lucky to be able to do this! Some women can't breastfeed & wish they could. Don't take the pride away from those of us who did/can!